80th Division Veterans Association


Photo Collection: Kenneth Barnett
PFC Adolph H. Johnson
(Company G, 319th Infantry Regiment)

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First row Left to Right:
Pvt Lutz, Donald E., Pfc Johnson, Adolf H., Pfc Hoffman, Jack A., S/Sgt Leonard, Charles W., S/Sgt Andreas, Robert A., S/Sgt Murphy, James E., S/Sgt Wilbert, Leonard R., S/Sgt Dees, James E., S/Sgt Grady, Wallace D., T/Sgt Greene, William E., T/Sgt Price B., 1st Sgt Norton, John D., 1st Lt Trithart, Keith P., 1st Lt Foley, Gerald J., 1st Lt Middleton, Eugene B., Jr., 2d Lt Wilfong, Clyde M., 2d Lt Newing, William E., T/Sgt Clay, Benjamin P., T/Sgt Zipperer, Roy M., S/Sgt Ault, Presley W., S/Sgt Mimms, Chester, S/Sgt Simons, Gerald R., S/Sgt Heydinger, Virgil S., S/Sgt Steiner, Donald L., S/Sgt Rudolph, Harvey E., Pvt Fenster, Lyal A., Pvt Fulton, Arthur, Pvt Nordness, Berton J.

Second Row Left to Right:
Pvt Hashin, John, Pfc Harvestine, Lewis A., Pfc Fosback, Ole, Pvt Fearon, Gerard M., Pvt Roberts, William R., Jr., Pfc Welker, Carl A., Pfc Sue, John N., Pfc Ralston, Chester W., Pfc Vickers, Everette C., Pvt Rossi, William L., Pfc Jacobson, Joseph J., Pvt Telerico, Frank L., Pvt Doherty, Patrick J., Pvt Miranda, John F., Pvt Dorsey, Emmet P., Pvt Emerick, Thomas P., Pvt Cinniginnie, Eddie P., Pfc Strickler, Donald E., Pfc Tucker, James R., Pfc Gubbinson, Howard J., Pfc Harker, Joseph D., T/4 Carpenter, Benzel H., T/4 Nelson, Phil J., Pfc Szynskie, Donald B., Pfc Lazorko, William, Pvt Casey, James R., Pvt Tinsley, Carl L., T/5 Terchek, Joseph F., Pfc Stetts, Stephen J., Pfc Spewock, Theodore, Pvt Alaica, Joseph Pvt Pate, Charles, Pfc Rohr, Chalmer H., Pfc Gordon, William H., Pfc Auer, Lyle E., Pvt Mellis, John, Sgt Clovis, Clarence H.

Third Row Left to Right:
Pfc Clark, Ralph S., Pvt Russell, John C., Pfc Conley, John S., Pvt Bonzo, Paul A., Pvt Smith, Thomas L., Pvt Rhodes, Russell E., Pvt Duvall, Lee M., Pfc Herman, Walter R., Pvt Jankunas, Alphonse F., Pfc Fields, Milton, Pfc Johnson, Edward L., Pfc Leary, Lewie R., Pfc Tankka, Eino J., Cpl Moore, George S., Pfc Parker, Thomas D., Pvt Schippert, William, Cpl Puscavage, Kenneth W., Pvt Hieser, William H., Jr., Pfc Caskey, James L., Pfc Scozzafava, James J., Pfc Every, Richard H., Pvt Mercurio, John R., Pvt Rohrer, Authur M., Pvt Rice, Frank E., Pfc Springs, Samuel M., Jr., Pvt Foster, Bernard L., Pfc Mayle, William K., Sgt Montague, Willjohn G., Cpl Baird, Charles H., Sgt Sheets, Raymond E., Pfc Ferreira, John L., T/5 Anttila, Toivo N., Pfc Brisbin, Charlie D., Pfc Cockman, Melvin M., Pfc Taylor, George W., T/5 Ellis, Harry W., Pfc Zielinskie, Edward J., Pfc Sata, Gabor, Pfc Hatt, Melvin, Pfc Luchetta, James J., Pvt Juarez, Gabriel G., Pvt Glenn, James M., Pfc Price, David D., Pfc Brashear, Elza, Pfc Santini, Tony, Pfc Reinert, George H., Pfc Nichols, John A., Sgt Bissonette, Jack V.

Fourth Row Left to Right:
Pvt Molina, Sebastian A., Pfc Suter, Richard E., Pvt LaCroix, Freddie, Pvt Paul, Adolph W., Pfc McCard, James W., Pfc Burton, James, Pfc Berridge, George W., Pfc James, Paul R., Pfc Hall, Philip W., Pvt Aquilina, Leonard J., Pvt Harris, David C., Pvt Coomer, Warren K., Pfc Cosby, Robert P., Pfc Ayres, Gordon W., Pfc Naetzel, Bernard J., Pfc Newhard, George S., Jr., Pfc Anderson, Marvin R., Pfc Feldy, Edward A., Pvt Austin, William V., Jr., Pfc Lussier, Herve J., Pfc Moyher, Joseph L., Pfc LaVigne, Allen A., Pfc Chowinski, Thomas, Pvt Thornberry, Douglas D., Pvt Sissel, Elmer J., Sgt Pato, William T., Sgt Terkington, J.M., Sgt Spain, Morris H., Pfc Brooks, Howard R., Pfc Couch, Garland B., Pfc Holcomb, William E., Pfc Green, Robert W., Pfc Palm, Kenneth E., Pvt Brill, Sidney, Pvt Kieffer, Charles L., Pfc Black, William, Pvt Tackett, Albert S., Pfc Watts, Foster H., Sgt Hughes, James 0., Sgt Kovalik, Joseph A., Sgt Rice, Thurman D., Pvt Lowe, Kenneth W., Pfc Leudors, Ruben M., Pvt Stock, Lester S., Pfc Bonio, Albert C., Pfc Nogus, Ernest C., Pfc Davis, Earl, Pvt Morgan, Orvillo W., Sgt Kent, Charles A., Pvt Glowacki, Stanley F., Pfc Mitchell, James F., Pfc Sprinkle, Floyd V., Pfc Land, Richard L., Pvt Robinson, Uber E., Pvt Olson, Authur E., Pfc Karwoski, Jerome J., Pfc Dahl, Willard E., Pvt Timma George E., Pvt Woodard, Charles E., Cpl Lawson, Edward P., Pfc Rosenbrock, Robert E., Pfc Perry, Robert M., Pfc Knott, Bernard W., Sgt Herr, Thomas A., Pfc Campbell, James V.