Note: There are more than 150,000
documents, images, and pages on this 80th Division site. Many of the Morning Reports, General Orders, Unit
Histories, and Miscellaneous Reports are scanned as PDFs. Some of these reports are difficult to read.
Google indexers can't convert many into searchable text. Your results will not pick up every Report
that is on the site.
Photograph Collections
Dr. Lee S. Anthony WWI Panoramics Collection
Dr. Lee S. Anthony has been an avid collector of 80th Division Infantry
relics for many decades and has the most extensive collection of artifacts
and photographs in the country. He has spent considerable time and effort
in not only finding these artifacts, but also preserving them for future
generations. Recently he asked that we make it possible to purchase these
World War I 80th Division Unit Panoramic images. There are 50 individual
Unit panoramics in this collection.
Photographs can be purchased for $100 each, which includes shipping &
handling charges, and will be mailed to your address within three weeks
of payment receipt. Checks (USD) and money orders accepted. Click
HERE for
order form.
Collection of Barbara and Clarence "Brock" Brockman
Barbara is the daughter of PNC Clarence "Brock" Brockman. These WWI photographs were some of Brock's favorites.
Collection of SFC Kenneth Norman (ret) - Eugene Balizet Scrapbook
SFC Kenneth Norman (ret) served with the 80th Division in Iraq as a Mitt team member, 2005-2006.
He is an avid collector of WWI and WWII memorabilia and shares photos of the 80th Division World War I.
Collection of Capt. William Perkins Hazelgrove
He was with the 80th Division Headquarters Company; possibly the intel
Dale R. Niesen Collection (World War I, World War II)
Collection of Jack Paul Bess, Jr. - WWI
317th Infantry Regiment, Company K
Jordan Sellers / Lunsford M. Jordan Collection
Jordan Sellers digitized WWI letters from his grandmother's uncle, Lunsford M. Jordan, who served with the 317th Medical Detachment
as an ambulance driver. This is an incredible collection of handwritten letters from the front lines during WWI. The two recipients
of the letters are his sisters Pattie Burton Jordan and Imogen (Jordan) Bounds (Jordan's great-grandma).
His half-brother John Riley Parker was in the 111th Field Artillery Band (29th Division). He gets mentioned occasionally as well.
Collection of Mike Brock - WWI
Provided by Michael Brock whose grandfather, Howard F. Brock, served with the
317th Ambulance Company of the 80th Infantry Division during WWI.
Kathleen Smith-Delach's Collection of 305th Sanitary Train/Ambulance Company.
Her grandfather, Perry Clare Smith, served as a Medical Officer with the 305th Sanitary Train, 80th Division, during World War I.
Kenneth Eugene Jack Collection
WWI Headquarters Company, 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division panorama photograph that I
inherited from my Uncle Russell Edwin "Bus" Jack, my father's brother.
Collection of David McMillan - WWI
318th Infantry Regiment, Supply Company
Collection of Frederick "Fritz" Wissolik (Etna Pennsylvania) - WWI
319th Infantry Regiment, Supply Company
Collection of Cpl Robert Brothers
Cpl Brothers was with Company I, 320th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division.
Collection of Andrew Peirson - WWI
313th Field Artillery
Collection of Ed Elam (Mesquite, TX) - WWI
Battery B, 315th Field Artillery
Collection of Glenn Ocamb
Pan shot of 1941 Reunion of the WWI 313th MG Bn; Sunset Inn, Erie, PA
Collection of Roger Nelson - WWI
305th Engineers (Le Mans, France; April 27, 19??)
Collection of James A. Spencer - WWI
305th Engineers, donated by Bruce Smith.
Photograph Collections
WORLD WAR II Photos - 317th Infantry Regiment
Jeff Giambrone Collection (317th Infantry Regiment)
An avid WW II collector, Jeff picked up a collection of 50 photographs taken by an
officer in the 80th Infantry Division. While the officer who owned these photographs
never identifies himself by name, he does identify his comrades, and the ones he has
been able to find information on all belonged to the 317th Infantry Regiment. He is
hoping that if the photos are put on the web, someone will be able to indentify the
officer who owned the pictures, and some of the men in them, many of whom are only
identified by last name. Some of the pictures were taken in 1944 when the unit was
still in the United States, but the majority are taken in 1945 after the fighting ended.
Collection of PFC Jack M. Buchanan
The pictures were taken at the Lakeview Rest Camp - 317th Infantry Regiment,
Weissensee, Germany. I believe the camp is actually located in Austria.
Collection of Clarence "Brock" Brockman and Barbara Brockman
Clarence "Brock" Brockman was attached to the 317th Infantry Regiment, HQ Company. These images
were sent to us by his daugher, Barbara. Unfortunately, only a few of the images had names on the back of the photo.
Collection of Richard C. Fisher
Staff Sergeant Richard C. Fisher was attached to the 317th Infantry Regiment, HQ Company. These images
were sent to us by his son, John Fisher. Unfortunately, only a few of the images had names on the back of the photo.
Collection of Paul Stutts
Photos of Paul's father: James A Stutts, 317th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion HQ Company.
Collection of Terry Baugher
Panoramic shot of 1941 317th Infantry Regiment, Company D at Ft. Dix.
Letter Collection of Lt. Jack D. Robbins
A collection of handwritten letters from Lt. Jack D. Robbins, graciously provided by his son, Mark Robbins.
317th Infantry Regiment, Company D at Ft. Dix.
Collection of Jerome Croyet
Jerome Croyet is a French Ph.D. historian and curator in a French military museum. This is a collection of several letters from
two soldiers in the 317th Infantry Regiment, Company F and the 905th Field Artillery Battalion.
Letters courtesy of GmT713 Association.
A.Z. Adkins Collection (317th Infantry Regiment, Company H)
A.Z. Adkins, Jr. was a mortar platoon leader in 317th Infantry Regiment, Company H during World War II. He, along with his son, is also
author of the book, "You Can't Get Much Closer Than This: Combat with
Company H, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division," published by Casemate
James Eldon Smith Collection (317th Infantry Regiment, Company H)
These images were provided by Greg Smith, son of James E. Smith, who served with Company H, 317th Inf Reg,
as a machine gunner.
James Mulheron Collection (317th Infantry Regiment, Company H)
These 131 soldier portraits were provided by James Mulheron, grandson of 1st Sgt Alexander Mulheron, who served with Company H,
317th Inf Reg. These photos were taken prior to departure for England.
Victor T. "Slick" Bannerman Collection (317th Infantry Regiment, Company H)
Don Richards Collection (317th Infantry Regiment, Company F & HQ Company)
Don Richards was a replacement officer, arriving in the ETO in August 1944 and initially
assigned to Company F, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division. He was wounded in
September 1944 and upon his return, he was assigned to 317th Infantry Regiment HQ.
Collection of Sue Mason
Sue Mason's father, Martin Mason, was the mail clerk for 317th Infantry
Regiment, Company F. Martin also described his duties as the mail clerk - click
Collection of Sue Mason - Soldier Portraits
Sue Mason, daughter of Martin Mason (T/5 mail clerk of 317th Infantry
Regiment, Company F) sent some photos that were in an old checkbook box that her father always
kept next to his chair. On one side of the box the stack of pictures faced up and the
other side the stack faced down. When he would hear of the death of one of these men,
he would turn their picture over.
Christen Collection, Leo & Jim (317th Infantry Regiment, Company G)
Robert Kimmel Collection
317th Infantry Regiment, Company I.
Jill (Standard) Doak Collection
Jill's grandfather, Harold D. Standard, served with the 317th Infantry Regiment, Company M.
He entered Army service in July 1944, made his way to Camp Wheeler, Georgia and left for Europe in December 1944. He fought in the battles and campaigns of
Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe, receiving three bronze battle stars. As a combat infantryman he qualified for 81 MM Mortar, 60 MM Mortar and expert rifle.
He detached from service 31 January 1946.
Carol Huprich Collection
Carol's father: Staff Sgt. Harold T. Deselms, 317th Infantry Regiment, Service Company.
Collection of Capt. Edward Washington Stewart, Jr., 317th Infantry Regiment, Service Company
Capt. Stewart was commissioned in June 1935, following graduation from the Oak Ridge
Military Institute (Greensboro, NC). He received the Bronze Star, four Campaign Stars on
his ETO Medal, and the Combat infantryman's Badge for his WWII service. After the war,
he remained in the Reserves, joined the National Guard in the early 1950s (119th Regt.
of the 30th Division), and passed away in 1970 at the age of 55. Photos provided by his
son, CWO3(R) Ed Stewart, USCG, of Kennesaw, GA.
Collection of Burton Smith
Burton Smith's dad (Burton Smith) was a medic in 317th Infantry Regiment, Cannon Company.
WORLD WAR II Photos - 318th Infantry Regiment
James R. Swope Collection (318th Infantry Regiment, 2d Battalion HQ Co, Communications Platoon)
James R. Swope's father, Richard Swope, served with the 2d Battalion HQ Co,
Communications Platoon.
Jack Riley Collection
Jack's father, John H Riley, joined the 318th Infantry Regiment, Company A on Jan 1, 1945 from a Repo Depo NE
of Paris. These are a variety of photos from his collection.
Vincent and Andrew Kroeger Collection
Vincent Kroeger was assigned to 318th Infantry Regiment, Company C.
If anyone recognizes the men in these photos, please let me know
Jan Elvin Collection
Lt. William J. Elvin, Jr. was assigned to 318th Infantry Regiment, Company E.
Jan recently wrote a book about her dad in WWII, titled, "The Box from
Satterfield Family Collection
Britney Satterfield Koger's grandfather, PFC Rhodney V. Satterfield was in 318th Infantry Regiment, Company F.
PFC Albert Appleman Collection
PFC Appleman was in 318th Infantry Regiment, Company F.
Ashour Ebrahim Collection
Ashour Ebrahim provided us a panoramic image of his uncle's (PFC Joel Baba Tames) company: 318th Infantry Regiment, Company F.
Richard T. McSherry Collection
Sgt John McSherry was a mess cook for 318th Infantry Regiment, Company E & F.
318th Infantry Regiment, Company G
Panoramic photo of Company G, 318th Infantry Regiment prior to overseas deployment.
Collection of Michelle Stockman Spickler
Lindsay Stockman, Michelle Stockman Spickler's grandfather, served with the 318th Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Collection of Gerald Barton
PVT Elmer Hummel, 318th Infantry Regiment, Company H & AT Company; photos courtesy
of Gerald Barton.
Chris Harris Collection
Chris' dad, Gene E. Harris from Indianapolis, served in 318th Infantry
Regiment, Company I.
Robert Murrell Collection (318th Infantry Regiment, Company M)
World War II Photos - 319th Infantry Regiment
Collection of Leonard "Bud" Hanline
WARNING: Graphic Buchenwald Images
Bud Hanline was with the 319th Infantry Regiment, HQ Company and took these photos. As he stated so
eloquently in his letter to Dr. Lee Anthony, "May the likes of this never happen again.
May those who suffered have peace. May God's justice be with those still living who
were involved in this. I am only a small man doing as I was told to do. I took these
pictures agains the U.S. Orders."
Collection of Kenneth Norman / 319th Infantry Regiment, 1st Bn HQ Company
SFC Kenneth Norman (ret) served with the 80th Division in Iraq as a Mitt team member, 2005-2006. He is an avid collector of WWI and
WWII memorabilia and shares photos of the 80th Division World War I and World War II.
Collection of Kenneth Norman / SGT Leonard P. Maslowski
SFC Kenneth Norman (ret) served with the 80th Division in Iraq as a Mitt team member, 2005-2006. He is an avid collector of WWI and
WWII memorabilia and shares photos of the 80th Division World War I and World War II.
The original photos belonged to SGT Leonard P. Maslowski (PA) of Company A, 319th Infantry Regiment,
from Wisconsin. Photos were passed along by Sgt Maslowski's son.
Collection of JD Slaughter
JD Slaughter's uncle, Joseph Mattern, served with 319th Infantry Regiment, Company A, and was
awarded the Purple Heart for action on February 7, 1945.
Collection of Bobby G. Mays
Provided by Stan, Linda, Carol, and Garland, Bobby Mays' children and Brian Mays,
grandson of Bobby Mays - 319th Infantry Regiment, Company B.
Collection of Jim Trowbridge
Jim's father, Robert L. Trowbridge, was in 319th Infantry Regiment, Company E. Photos courtesy of Jim
Collection of Kenneth Barnett
Ken Barnett's uncle, PFC Adolph H. Johnson, was in 319th Infantry Regiment, Company G. This is a
panoramic photo of the company while at Ft. Dix, NJ. PFC Johnson was KIA at Letricourt,
France on 1 NOV 1944.
Collection of Rich & Steve Abels
Photos courtesy of the family of Pfc Leonard Biggs, 319th Infantry Regiment, Company G.
Collection of George M. Franks, 319th Infantry Regiment, Company H
This is a panoramic photo of the company while at Ft. Dix, NJ.
Collection of Christine Law, who's grandfather was in 319th Infantry Regiment, Company I.
"These are photos my mom discovered in a box after my grandfather passed away. I have had no luck finding any of these
families nor identifying the service men in the photos with my grandpa." If anyone can identify the people or the location
please contact the webmaster Andy Adkins.
Collection of Jeanette DelBane, 319th Infantry Regiment, Company L, Mortar Section, 4th Platoon
Ms. DelBane mailed us this photo she found in a used album in NE Ohio. The men's names are handwritten & legible.
Collection of David McConaghy, 319th Anti-tank Co.
Panoramic photo of the 319th AT Company.
Collection of Richard Hamsher, 319th Infantry Regiment, Cannon Company
Photos courtesy of Richard Hamsher, Chambersburg, PA.
Collection of Herbert Edward Mercer, Sr., 319th Infantry Regiment, Medical Detachment
Photos courtesy of Edward Mercer (grandson).
World War II Photos - 80th Division
Dr. Lee S. Anthony Collection
Dr. Lee S. Anthony is a prolific collector of 80th Division memorabilia. Here are several images from his collection.
Miscellaneous Photos
- Panoramic shot of 317th Infantry Regiment, Company L, Ft. Dix, N.J., May 1944. Includes a partial roster of names.
- Panoramic shot of 318th Infantry Regiment, Company G, before shipping overseas.
Richard Aigner Collection
Richard Aigner's aunt took all the photos on a single occasion. The location is main
square at Liezen, Austria facing south. The Enns bridge where the meeting with the
Russians took place is about a mile further south.
Jean Muller (Luxembourg) Collection
Jean Muller is a Luxembourger historian, concentrating on 1900 - 1945. He is a great
friend of the 80th Division Veterans Association and has taken many veterans and/or
their families to actual locations of where the veteran's battle took place. He has
uncovered dozens of artifacts over the years and asks nothing in return. Here are a
few of the items he has unearthed.
Collection of Kenneth Norman / Miscellaneous Photos
SFC Kenneth Norman (ret) served with the 80th Division in Iraq as a Mitt team member, 2005-2006. He is an avid collector of WWI and
WWII memorabilia and shares photos of the 80th Division World War I and World War II.
Delaware's World War II Fallen
Lowell Silverman is a historian based in Delaware and is currently compiling biographies
for the American troops from Delaware who made the ultimate sacrifice. In addition, he
has provided several 80th Division WWII photographs.
- Critical Past
A site that provides tons of videos and images. These two links are for 80th Division
videos: one at Spittal, Austria and three from the meeting with the Russians at Leizen,
Spittal Austria 1945 footage
Liezen Austria 1945 footage
Chuck Foertmeyer Colection
My father was in the 80th Division, 305th Medical Battalion, during WWII. During the
occupation in many cities in Germany, including the Ebensee Concentration Camp, the
Biessenhofen POW camp, Bad Worishofen, Munich, etc., he took about 500 photographs.
Lois Lembo & Leon Reed Colection
Frank Lembo served with the 305th Combat Engineer Battalion. Here are several links to Leon Reed's
Flickr photo albums.
Ed Milford Colection
Ed Milford located a photo album (no name of owner) that seems to include men from the 305th Combat Engineer Battalion. Several
photos are during early training, Camp Forrest, TN, and others during WWII.
John C. Chisholm Collection
From Maureen (Chisholm) Gazaille; These photos are from John Chisholm's album. He was with the 80th Signal Company and the
collection includes photos from Camp Hood, TX, France, and Luxembourg.
J.C. & David Prince Collection
David's grandfather, J.C. Prince, served with the 80th Reconnaissance Troops. If anyone recognizes any of these men, please let me know and I'll get
the word to David.
Aimee Furness Collection
Aimee's grandfather, Col. Walter J. Burk, served with the 80th Division Headquarters Company as the Division G-4.
R.J. Nemzek Collection
Original photos digitized by R.J. Nemzek. Photos by a member of the 80th Division during their occupation duties. One set are images from a
troop train, starting in Strasbourg, France. The other is a trip by a couple of GIs to the Ammersee, Germany area.
Paul Oechsner "Then & Now" Collection
WWII historian Paul Oechsner develops historical WWII "Then & Now" images, with a main focus on Central Germany and Thuringia.
His Instagram site includes more images: @Thuringia_then_and_now_)
Paratrooper Research Team photos of the 80th Infantry Division, WWII
Provided by Donald & Sophia van den Bogert.
80th Division Veterans Sketches
In 1944, New York commercial artist Mimi Korach volunteered to work at a New York Merchant Seaman's Club, sketching
portraits of lonely servicemen. She was invited to accompany the USO overseas to visit recuperating GIs in Europe. She made more than 600
sketches during her two-year tour. Several are of 80th Division soldiers.
World War II Photos - Field Artillery Battalions
David J. Hindelmann Collection (80th Artillery Headquarters)
More than 100 photos online from David J. Hindelmann's experience.
Eugene Killen Collection
Eugene Killen, Master Sergeant, 314th Field Artillery Battalion.
George Youso Collection
George Youso was assigned to the 313th Field Artillery Battalion as a medic. His daughter, Connie (Youso) Lewandowski
provided this collection.
Tracy Dungan Collection
Tracy Dungan's grandfather was Robert T. Gholson, who served with the 313th Field Artillery Battalion, Battery B
in the wire section.
Anthony Guerin Collection
Photos taken around Toul, France; end of September 1944. We believe they are of the 633rd AAA AW Battalion.
Anthony Guerin is an avid collector of American WWII artifacts and the president of the association memory of wars in Lorraine. He lives
in Toul (Meurthe & Moselle - Lorraine - France).
World War II Photos - 167th Signal Corps
T-4 J. Malan Heslop Collection (U.S. Army Signal Corps, 167 Signal Photographic Company)
The following numbers are the ID-numbers; the 80th Division photos are easier to find
by their running number (the one on the left of the photo). Numbers 69 - 71, 478 - 479,
1094, 1116, 1118 - 1119, 1183, 1268 - 1269.