80th Division Veterans Association


Photo Collection: Richard T. McSherry
Sgt John L. McSherry
(Company E/F, 318th Infantry Regiment)

Sgt John L. McSherry, 318-E, 80th Infantry Division, Camp Forrest, TN, pictured with cooks.

A Photo of "sign-up day" for my father, April 7, 1941. Dad is third from the left end of the rear row, hand in his coat pocket. It is taken in front of the municipal building in Glens Falls, NY. (It looks nearly exactly the same today). Though he came from Maine, he was managing a grocery store there at the time, and had met and just married (a week prior to this) my mother. Mom may have taken the picture, but I doubt it since she had a good eye and it's unlikely she would have cut off the guy on the left. On first take, this seems like a group of draftees, but at the far right there is obviously a woman with a fur collar and tilted hat. Behind her and also at the opposite end are gentlemen who seem quite a bit older than the rest. Parents? Draft board members?
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A Photo of the entire Company F (318th Inf Reg) on the steps of a building somewhere in Kempten that is identical to one in Albert Appleman's collection. Appleman's is hand-dated 23 June, but this copy just says Co F. In that one dad is again standing at the rear, fourth from left.
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On the back of the photo: "30 of 32 original (since 1942) Co. F members". Dad is sitting far left front.
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SSgt McSherry; Kornhausplatz in Kempten (318/Co F Command Post); June 22, 1945
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SSgt McSherry; Kornhausplatz in Kempten (318/Co F Command Post); June 22, 1945
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SSgt McSherry; Kornhausplatz in Kempten (318/Co F Command Post); June 22, 1945
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