Eisenback, Germany. The greens look like the black German Panzer Uniform.
Flowers on my combat badge "my" children put them there. Note: This officer is apparently
the owner of this photo collection as he appears in many of the images.

Lt. Goodspeed "Pete" In the Winter 2005 issue of Blue Ridge Magazine, a Lieutenant
Pete Goodspeed who served in Company K, 317th Infantry, wrote an account of his service with the
unit in February - March, 1945.

Lt. Vodak, 80th "Combat" Ordnance Officer - A good Joe. Note: This is Robert C.
Vodak who joined the army in September 1942. Born Feb. 11, 1921 in Chicago, Illinois. Assigned to the
780th Ordnance Company in 1943 at Salinas, Kansas. Achieved the rank of 1st Lt. during the war, he
was later a Captain in the Army Reserve. As of 1991 he was living in Sylva, NC. Information on him
is from the book 80th "Blue Ridge" Infantry Division by Turner Publishing, 1991.

In the Eisenhower jacket at Fussen.

Lts. McElrath, Bernoth, Thompon, Lindley, Feeney, Co. M. Note: Lt. McElrath is
Gerald R. McElrath who graduated from Pennsylvania Military College. In the school newspaper he is
listed as being an officer candidate in December 1944 serving in New York. In June 1945 he is listed
as a Lt. serving in the 317th Infantry.

Lt. Preston Ideus, Evelyn, Lt. (feet) Feeney, Lt. McElrath, Lt. Goodsteen. At Altse
See Note: Lt. Preston Ideus served in the Medical detachment of the 3rd Battalion, 317th Infantry,
80th Division. He was highly decorated during the war and received a battlefield commission.

Regimental CP at Coburg

Lt. Williams - M Co. Section Leader

S-30 and yours truly (With)

Andy Cella, Frank Smith, Andy Thomas

Lt. Hinkle

Sgt. Gay 2nd Platoon

3d Bn. CP at Coburg

No ID on back of picture.

Bertoldshafen, Germany - I look like one of those "U.S.O. Commandos"

German Breadline - There is no famine and very little hunger. Don't believe the papers -

No ID on back - Riders possibly Russian?

"My Boys" on the Riviera trip - G Company

Lt. Earles & Hq Co.

"Red" Brunze and my ration breakdown section.

Ice show at Olympia Stadium - Garmish
Note: The 1936 Winter Olympics were held at Garmisch, Germany. This picture was probably taken at the
Kunsteisstadion which was the venue for the ice skating, hockey, and speed skating events.

No identification

Athletic Stadium

No identification

Inside cable car

General view of Game at Nurnberg Red Cross Club

No identification

"Puff Range"
Note: I found the following description of a World War II puff range: Another miniture range called
the puff range took place in a large nissen hut, this comprised a main gun overlooking a mock up
scene of the countryside with miniature tanks and other targets , under the country side scene a
light beam moved around in unison with the movements of the gun as it was traversed on to a target,
and when ordered to fire nothing was discharged from the gun , another instructor under the target
areas created a small puff of smoke using a pump applied to one of the numerous holes in the scenic
board nearest to the light beam, this gave quite a good illusion.

At Eden Roc

No identification

Markt Oberdorf Germany

Schnapps and Rufus

Kirkdorf, Austrian -"But Mitzi was Austrian"

On the way back by boat to Cannes

Lt. Heller - Nothing needs to be added

Lt. Hult and myself, Newusadt a Aisch - February 1946

Beach at Cannes. Those "pinks" sure look good with that tan.

Another view of barracks - regimental shield on arch.
Note: Burnette Barracks was located in Fuesen, Germany.

My quarters - Lt. Cella