80th Division Veterans Association


Photo Collection: Jim Trowbridge
(Company E, 319th Infantry Regiment)

Samuelson in the R.S.O. office, Service Co.

This is me in the Quartermaster Office, Bayreuth. I didn't know it was taken.

Guard Post #202. Bill Rend, my buddy from California,and me holdin house. He's a fast man, faster than Jim Rogala from Ohio.

Sehmur getting a haircut in the barracks.

Sgt Gerling from Iowa and me, sitting in little horse cart.

Samuelson from California.

Ward & Geiger, loading trucks.

Hodge in Nebraska, going home for emergency furlow.

Ed Brenneman, my best buddy, who left for home today. He's from Hohoken. Heard & Sehmur (in background) taken in park where we get rations in Bayreuth.

The man with the board (on the right) is Ward. The other man is Geiger from Maryland. Ward likes sports. We're loading our truck with rations.

Miller from Indiana.

Sehmur from New Jersey. These are all R.S.O. in Regimental Supply which I work in. My buddies.