468 / No. 1 S 3°W Co-318.5 - 281.6
Rifle of 38 cm Howitzer on car. Dannevoux. January 31, 1919

469 / No. 2 W. Co-318.5-281-6
Carriage, mounting etc. 38 cm Howitzer. Dannevoux. January 31, 1919

470 / No. 3 NW. Co-318.5-281-6
Mounting etc - being loaded on cars. Dannevoux. January 31, 1919

471 / No. 4 W. Co-318.5-281-6
Recoil of 38 cm Howitzer being loaded. Dannevoux. January 31, 1919
This Howitzer is of 38 cm caliber and was manufactured in Pilsen, Austria
in 1917. It was captured September 26 by the 319th Infantry 80th Division.
In destroying the gun before leaving the recoil was unfastened and a charge
exploded which threw the base cap weighing 2 tons over 300 yards and the
breach block through a 2 foot stone wall. The gun is to go to West Point,
U.S.A. The gun had a compass bearing (magnetic) S 31° E and was used
to fire on Verdun.

474 / No. 8 N 60° E. Co. 317.8-274.5
Wire Entanglement front of Tr. de Kovel - Bethincourt February 1, 1919
It was thru this wire that the 319th Infantry passed to the attack on September 26, 1918.

475 / No. 9 N. Co. 318.5-281.6
Mounting 38 cm Howitzer raised for loading - Dannevoux. Feburary 3, 1919

477 / No. 12 W. Co. 318.7-281.0
Brick House - Le Bois Roud. February 3, 1919

478 / No. 13 W. Co. 318.5-281.1
Rustic Club House with Canteen and bedrooms - Le Bois Roul. February 3, 1919.
In the Bois Roud and Bois Jure, there are a number of brick and wooden
buildings very comfortable and beautiful in design with stone and concrete
lined dugouts beneath. These houses were evidently used for officers'
quarters and mess halls, etc. The entire woods are full of barracks, dugouts,
storage rooms, machine shops, stables, concrete cisterns, etc. - all connected
with board walks and everywhere an atmosphere of the artistic and each
detail perfect. In these woods also is the every present narrow gauge
Ry - 60 cm. The southern and eastern edges of these woods are skirted
with trenches, dugouts and M.G. nests and high points contain O.P.s in
the tree tops.

481 / No. 16 N.W. Co.- 318.4-281.6
Old German prison cage - Dannevoux. February 6, 1919.
This old cage stands on the N.W. corner of two of the principal streets
of Dannevoux and was once the sight of the principal hotel and café
of the town. It was evidently used by the Germans during 1915and 1916.
It consists of two fences about three feet apart and ten feet high; each
built of tangled heavy barbed wire. The steps of the cage were utilized
to enter the cage from the street.

482 / No. 17 N.W. Co.- 318.3-281.8
French cemetery with German cemetery in background - Dannevoux. February 6, 1919.
Showing the walls, monuments and trees demolished by German shell fire in September and October 1918.

483 / No. 18 N.W. Co. 318.3-281.9
German cemetery - Dannevoux. February 6, 1919.
Here not the least signs of destruction can be seen tho this cemetery
is less than 200 yards from the French cemetery shown in No. 17.

484 / No. 19 S.E. Co. 318.2-282.0
M.G. post, dugout and shack in N.W. corner German cemetery - Dannevoux. February 6, 1919.
Knowing the French and American abstinence from shelling cemeteries, a
M.G. post and small barrack was placed in the cemetery. Likewise a dugout
which is actually under an image of the cruxcification and their own graves.
The tops of two trees on this corner cut by German shell fire is the only
sign of devastation about the entire cemetery.

485 / No. 20 N.W. Co. 318.5-281.0
38 cm shells. Dannevoux. February 7, 1919
There were 29 of these shells for this 38 cm Howitzer left in Dannevoux.

486 / No. 21 W. Co. 318.4-281.7
Church and ruins. Dannevoux. February 7, 1919.

487 / No.2.2 N.W. Co. 318.7-281.3
Dannevoux and wooded hill to North. February 7, 1919.
The 319th Infantry after being held up in the Northern edge of the Bois
Jure and Le Bois Roud by M.G. fire from Dannevoux and Bois Dannevoux and
the scattering orchards to the north of Paiv? advanced thru Paiv? up this
hill and thru the woods to the Meuse River capturing five M.G. crews in
this orchard.

488 / No. 23 (Look back to No. 10 which is now No. 23)

491 / No. 26 W. Co. 318.4-281.7
Interior church. Dannevoux. February 11, 1919.
The entire roof except a small portion over the altar has fallen in, hence
the floor is covered with timber and snow. Note the image of the crucifixtion
suspended from the roof over the altar. The figure of the virgin and saints
have been removed to a nearby building used by the Germans for a chapel.

494 / No 29 W. Co. 317.8-279.7
Trench along south edge of Bois Jure. February 11, 1919.
This trench runs along the whole edge of this wood containing at frequent
intervals, M.G. posts and dugouts. Along the edge of all the high wood
in this vicinity are similar trenches with M.G. and artillery sweeping
the open slopes in front. Such trenches have a natural camouflage.

495 / No. 30 S 12° W S 23 W Co. 317.8-279.7
Valley and hill west and S.W. of Gercourt. February 11, 1919
This picture shows the open slopes covered by fire from the trench up
to the south edge of the Bois Jure. It was in the face of this fire across
these slopes that the 319 advanced on September 26.

496 / No. 31 W. Co. 318.2-279.6
Overturned German 77 south edge Bois Jure. February 11, 1919.

497 / No. 32 E. Co 318.25-279.6
Destroyed 77. Bois Jure. February 11, 1919.

498 / No. 33 S.E. S 30° E. Co. 318.2-279.6
Two destroyed 77s with ammo dump in center foreground and Gercourt and
Bois Forges in background. February 11, 1919. Both this picture and No.
30 show the partial field of fire of these pieces.

499 / No. 34 N.E. Co. 318.2-279.6
Artillery registration on German Battery - Bois Jure. February 11, 1919.
This picture shows the same pieces as Nos. 31, 32, and 33 and also the
wonderful accuracy of the division artillery. The gun on the left in addition
to being destroyed by the Germans themselves received a direct hit. The
empty shell cases show that only a very few rounds wee fired before capture
by these guns. Only two pieces are here. One was probably carried about
½ kilo north on the Gercourt-Dannevoux road as shown in No. 37
while the other was perhaps successfully withdrawn.

500 / No. 35 N. Co. 318.3-279.6
Salvaged S.A.A. February 11, 1919
This S.A.A. is American artillery gathered from the roads and battlefields
were lost or dropped by the wounded and killed.

501 / No. 36 N.W. Co. 318.4-280.2
Empty shall cases and salvage squad. February 11, 1919
This shows the part of the artillery used by one nearby bat. Of 755.

502 / No. 37 N.E. Co. 318.5-280.4.
Destroyed German 77 - Bois Jure. February 11, 1919.
This piece probably brought from bat. shown in 31, etc. Further evidence
of accuracy.

503 / No. 38 N 15° E N 16° E. Co. 318.3-280.8.
Dannevoux and Bois des Moriaux. February 11, 1919.

504 / No. 39 N 35° W N 24° W. Co. 318.3-280.8.
Bois de Dannevoux and slopes to the south. February 11, 1919.

505 / No. 40 N 80° W N 68° W Co. 318.3-280.8
Valley west of Dannevoux. February 11, 1919.
These three pictures show the entire open valley around Dannevoux and
south Bois de Dannevoux across with the 80th advanced. The eastern limit
of this panoramic is N 27° 38° E. The western limit - due S 80°W
hence covering and arc of 128°.

508 / No. 43 S. Co. 316.8-282.3
Observation post in tree. Bois Dannevoux. February 11, 1919.

509 / No. 44 N 25° W N 15° W. Co. 317.0-282.2
Concrete M.G. dugout. Bois Dannevoux. February 11, 1919.

510 / No. 45 S (S 10° E) Co. 317.0-282.2
Field of fire from No. 44. February 12, 1919.

511 / No. 46 S.E. (S 55° E) Co. 317.0-282.2
Field of fire from No 44. February 12, 1919.

512 / No. 47 N 60° W N 70° W. Co. 315.6-282.3
Bois de la Cote Germout (2/18/19). Bois du Ru in foreground will hill
280 in center background.

514 / No. 49 S 32° E S 43° E. Co. 318.6-281.7
Field of fire from south opening of No. 48. February 12, 1919.
Angle of fire about 45° from S 53° E (S 67° E) - S 10°
E. Note trees in foreground which camouflage post.

515 / No. 50 N.E. N 55° E. Co. 318.6-281.7
Field of fire from east opening No. 48. February 12, 1919.
Angle of fire about 45° from N 67° E (N 78° E) - N 22°
E (N 33° E. Note wire in foreground.

517 / No. 52 S 13° E S 24° E. Co. 318.7-281.8
Field of fire from south opening No. 51. February 12, 1919
Angle of fire about 45° from 57°W (54°E) to S 34° E. Note
trees in foreground which camouflage post.

518 / No. 53 N 64° E N 75° E. Co. 318.7-281.8
Field of fire from east opening No. 51. February 12, 1919
Angle of fire about 45° from N 85° E (S 84° E) - N 42°
E (N 53° E). Note wire in foreground. Meuse in background.

520 / No. 55 W. Co. 318.1-281.3
Concrete swimming pool. West of Dannevoux. February 12, 1919.

522 / No. 57 N. Co 317.5-282.3
O.P.s and M.G. post Bois de Dannevoux. February 12, 1919.
The two O.P.s are in tree tops on 294 with M.G. post nearby covering the
slope north of Dannevoux.

523 / No. 58 SE Co. 318.2-281.7
Dugout - Dannevoux February 12, 1919
Note the artistic appearance of this safe German dugout.

525/No. 60 N 7° W (N 18° W) Co. 317.9-279.1
Min Haut-Bois Jure in background, February 13, 1919
This old mill was used by the Germans as a dugout and by the 80th as a
first aid station. It was across this bridge and up this trail that a
battalion of the 313th Infantry Regiment went into action a gallow in
the late afternoon of September 27th.

526/No. 61 NW Co. 317.5-279.6
140 mm German gun - Bois Sachet. February 13, 1919
This is a 140 mm gun and is horse drawn. Note wheels and also two types
of powder containers.

527/No. 62 N 37° E (N 26° E) Co. 316.5-279.0
Min de Guenoville & Bois d'eu Pila. February 13, 1919
This old mill was used by the Germans for sleeping quarters and a reinforced
concrete spillway was in process of construction when captured.

528/No. 63 W Co. 316.2-279.4
German 105 mm gun - Hill 262. February 13, 1919
Note the peculiar construction of this gun. It was made by Krupp but bears
no date. There is a crown with the letters W.R. engraved on the top of
the barrel.

529/No. 64 NE Co. 316.1-279.4
Effect of shell fire hill 262. February 13, 1919
This strip of wood with the trench in front contained a battery and a
huge well constructed dugout.

530/No. 65 NW Co. 316.2-279.5
Battalion German 120 mm and O.P. hill 262. February 13, 1919.

532/No. 67 N 33° E (N 20° E) Co. 316.2-278.6
Hill 262, Bois d'eu Pela and Min de Guenoville. February 13, 1919.

533/No. 68 NE Co. 316.3-278.3
Field fortifications; German graves and flag. February 13, 1919
This picture shows Gercourt in the right background and Bois Sachet in
the left.

534/No. 69 N 57° E (NE) Co. 317.3-278.0
Battalion position camouflaged as trenches. February 13, 1919.
These positions are well camouflaged to be on the top of an open hill
and the only possible method has been adopted - i.e. to make them appear
as old trenches. Between each gun is a dugout.

535/No. 70 N 27° E (N 15° E) Co. 317.9-277.8
Battalion position, trenches and wires north of hill 281. February 13, 1919.
This battalion position is unique in that it is not on the reverse slope
of the hill. The same position was occupied by a battalion of the 80th
Division (George W. Aud) to fire in the opposite direction on the enemy.

536/No. 71 NW Co. 317.6-282.6
German barracks - Bois de Dannevoux. February 14, 1919.
This picture was taken from a very high observation post in a tree. The
dugout in the right foreground was used by Major Montague of 320 Infantry
as Battalion P.C. on the night of September 26th. In the background -
right Bois de Chatillon, center - Meuse, left - Bois du Ru.

537/No. 72 ÐW Co. 316.6-283.6
German barracks - Bois de la Cote Gercourt. February 14, 1919.
It was in these woods above these barracks that a counter attack was launched
on the morning of September 28, 1918.

538/No. 73 S 70° E (S 60° E) Co. 315.2-283.6
Wooded slopes south bank of Meuse - Vilones. February 14, 1919
It was along this slope that the 320 Infantry took up a position on the
night of September 26th and held it under heavy shell fire from across
the river.

542/No. 77 N Co. 317.5-278.0
Wire and battery position with Bois Sachet beyond. February 17, 1919.
This picture shows the open country south of Bois Sachet and west of Gercourt.
On the right is shown the south end of Bois Juri and in the background
the high ground south of the Neuse and Bois de Dannevoux.

543/No. 78 ÐW Co. 317.7-277.2
Dugouts - Hill 281 - Bethincourt - February 17, 1919.
These are quite extensive though close to the front line and were used
as a dressing station by the 80th and later as Division P.C. by 33rd Division.

544/No. 79 N 9° E (N) Co. 317.3-277.1
80th Division sector from Hill 281. February 17, 1919.
This picture shows the whole division sector from N 31° E (N 20°
E) to N 13° W (N 24° W) This shows Bois Juri on the right, hill
260 on the left and Bois de Dannevoux in background.

545/No. 80 N Co. 317.4-276.7
M.G. post of concrete and railroad ties. February 17, 1919
This post is composed of 5 ft concrete reinforced with steel and faced
with steel. Railroad ties which are dented with bullet holes.

546/No. 81 S 30° W (S 20° W) Co. 317.6-276.4
M.G. post and field of fire. February 17, 1919
From this post the slopes north of Bethincourt were covered.

548/No. 83 S 15° W (S) Co. 317.5-275.4
Bethincourt + Ravin de la Hayette - February 17, 1919

549/No. 84 S 28° E (S 40° E) Co. 317.5-275.4
Bethincourt - La Mort Homme in background - February 17, 1919
These two pictures show Bethincourt, La Mort Homme + the line of departure.
They extend from S 37° W (S 26° W) to S 50° E (S 60° E).

551/No. 86 S 30° W (S 20° W) Co. 317.6 - 274.9
Bridge over Rau de Forges - Bethincourt. February 17, 1919
It was this bridge that the 305 Engineers erected in such record time
on the morning of September 26th enabling a battalion of 75s to cross
within 3 hours after the attack started.

553/No. 88 S 35° E (SE) Co. 316.1-277.0
These dugouts were used a division P.C. from October 1 to October 12, 1918.

554/No. 89 W Co. 318.5-280.9
German plank road - Le Bois Roul - February 17, 1919
The Germans built many such roads. Note the place built to enable vehicles
to pass. Such roads wee easily built and equally as easy to destroy but
giving a good roadway. Also note the 4x4 along both edges to prevent the
wheels from slipping off the roadway.

555/No. 90 N 80° E (N 70° E) Co. 317.6-282.6
Bois des Moriaux - February 18, 1919
This ridge was occupied by the 319th on the night of September 26, 1918
and held. It was here that they received such heavy firt of H.E. and gas
from the heights east of Meuse.

556/No. 91 N 55° E (NE) Co. 317.8-282.8
Bois la Ville and Meuse southeast of Vilosnes - February 18, 1919.

558/No. 93 N 20° W (N 30° E) Co. 317.8 - 282.8
Meuse and Bois de Chatillion north of Brieulles - February 18, 1919.

559/No. 94 N 54° W (N 65° W) Co. 317.8-282.8
Bois la Cote Lemont and Brieulles - February 18, 1919.

771/No. 126 S 55° E (S 66° E) Co. 298.7-295.4
A German 220 mm Howitzer and 150 mm high power rifle.
Note the peculiar recoid system on the Howitzer. It is a very short gun
for such large caliber.

776/No. 131 N 75° E (N 64° E) Co. 298.2-286.8
Ravin aux Pierres. February 22, 1919.

777/No. 132 N 15° E (N 5° E) Co. 298.2-287.1
Woods 214 south of Allipont. February 22, 1919
Note German m.g. in foreground.

778/No. 133 ÐW Co. 299.2-287.2
Ravin aux Pierre. February 22, 1919
These four pictures show the terrain over which the 320 fought fiercely
all day of November 1st breaking thru that night. This ravine and the
woods to the north were full of m.g.s and the woods are tangled and full
of loose barbed wire. The supposed line of departure was this ravine but
it was in fact occupied by the Germans and from these woods the St. Juvin
St. Georges road was swept with m.g. firt.

796/No. 151 N (N 10° W) Co. 299.7-289.2
Immecourt. February 23, 1919.

797/No. 152 S 15° W (S) Co. 299.6-289.6
Street scene with German 77 Immecourt. February 23, 1919.

800/No. 155 N 70° W (N 80° W) Co. 298.9-290.1
German artillery dump. February 26, 1919
This picture beside showing the German artillery loaded and empty shows
almost every variety of equipment. Note the iron as well as the brass
shell cases. Note the 120 mm case partly of brass and partly of iron.
This pile came largely from his artillery storehouses in the wood.

801/No. 156 N 10° E (N) Co. 299.3-289.7
German m.g. post and operator's grave. February 26, 1919
This m.g. post is on the top of the hill northwest of Immecourt and with
others in this vicinity gave us no little trouble on the night of November
1st. The woods in the background are northwest of Immecourt and it was
here that the 319 made their flank attack really capturing Verpel and
squeezing out the 320th.

807/No. 162 NE Co. 300.8-302.8
Sommauthe from church spire. March 1, 1919
The large building in the center was used as a P.C. by the 159 Brigade
and established on the afternoon of Novembe 4th while m.g. bullets were
still falling in this street.

808/No. 163 NW Co. 300.8-302.8
Church Sommauthe - m.g. and O.P. in steeple. March 1, 1919
There were two openings in the top of the steeple which the Germans used
as an O.P. na also as a m.g. emplacement.

821/No. 176 N Co. 298.5-295.6
Street corner - Buzancy. March 2, 1919.

826/No. 182 S 50° W (SW) Co. 306.4-307.7
Ch. Spire and Square - Beaumont. March 3, 1919.

1070/No. 185 ÒE Co. 323.4-284.3
Interior dugout - Division P.C. March 9, 1919
This dugout was used as P.C. by the 80th from September 18 to September