Photo Collection: Jerome Croyet
Jerome Croyet is a French Ph.D. historian and curator in a French military museum. This is a collection of several letters from two soldiers in the 317th Infantry Regiment and the 905th Field Artillery Battalion. Letters courtesy of GmT713 Association. These images are full-size; right-click and open in new tab (or save image).
V-Mail letter from Pfc Larry Medler (905th FA Bn/Serv Btry) to Miss Anne Hudac in Fredonia, NY. Dated July 15, 1944; "Somewhere in England."
Letter #72 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 1-page letter is dated Wednesday, 25 April 1945; Germany.
Letter #76 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 2-page letter is dated Saturday, 28 April 1945; Germany.
Envelope with short "note" (probably from the backside of Letter #76) from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. The postal mail stamp is April 28, 1945.
Letter #90 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 3-page letter is dated Friday, 18 May 1945; Austria.
Letter #91 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 2-page letter is dated Saturday, 19 May 1945; Austria.
Letter #92 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 4-page letter is dated Sunday, 20 May 1945; St. Gallen, Austria.
Letter #96 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 2-page letter is dated Thursday, 24 May 1945; St. Gallen, Austria.
Letter #98 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 1-page letter is dated Saturday, 26 May 1945; St. Gallen, Austria.
Letter #101 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 2-page letter is dated Wednesday, 30 May 1945; St. Gallen, Austria.
Letter #105 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Hq 2d Bn) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 3-page letter is dated 10 June 1945.
Letter #110 from Lt. Francis X. Bergin (317/Co F) to Katie Bergin in New York. This 1-page letter is dated Saturday, 21 June 1945; Berg, Austria.