80th Division Veterans Association


Photo Collection: James A. Spencer
James A. Spencer served with the 305th Engineers during World War I. This collection, donated by Bruce Smith, covers the time from 5/25/1918 of troops being loaded at City Point, VA for transport to New York City for shipping overseas during WWI, then returning to the States and discharge at Camp Dix. The photos were scanned at 400dpi, so you can save them for larger viewing.

1 - Red Cross Nurses, City Point, VA.

2 - On the James.

3 - On Board the "Huron."

4 - Our Convoy.

5 - Mess at Pontanzen.

6 - On our way to Calais.

7 - Rest Camp, Calais.

8 - Forty Hommes-Samer.

9 - Passed by the Censor.

10 - Beauval.

11 - Camp near Albert.

12 - Barber in the Front Lines.

13 - Ruins at Henencourt.

14 - Damaged by Shell Fire, near Warloy.

15 - Ruins, Senlis.

16 - Dugouts, Senlis.

18 - Camouflaged in Woods near Ippicourt.

19 - Ruins, Verdun.

20 - Filling Watercart at Germainville.

21 - Waiting for Material-Co. "B" Bridge, Bethencourt, (Under Shell Fire).

22 - Co. "B" Bridge Finished. 1 hour and 35 minutes later.

24 - Transport Jam, Bethencourt.

26 - Captured Jerry Guns & Hindenburg Line.

27 - First American Plane Downed at Bethencourt.

28 - Jerry Concrete Dugout, Cusy.

29 - Dead German.

30 - French Tank Going into Action. Montfaucon.

32 - Church, Montfaucon, from the Crown Prince viewed the opening of the offensive on Verdun.

33 - Fourteen Horses Killed by One Shell.

34 - Camouflaged Road in the Argonne.

35 - Camp Monhovan.

36 - Flaville.

37 - Constructing Bridge Under Shell Fire at St. Georges.

38 - First Transport to Cross Bridge at St. Georges.

39 - American Tank in Tank Trap, near St. Georges.

40 - Making an Advance, Over the Top, near Sommerance.

42 - Jerry Prisoners at St. Georges.

43 - Jerry Cannon Captured in a.m. of Nov. 1 and used on the Boche in afternoon.

44 - Soldier's Home, Buzancy.

45 - Going to the Front.

46 - O. V. Balloon Being Moved up.

48 - Railroad Cars Blown Up by Retreating Germans.

49 - Jerry Ammunition Truck.

50 - 9- 2 Jerry "Dud" at Beaumont.

51 - American Anti-Air Guns in Shell Hole near the Meuse River.

52 - Cannon that is claimed to have Fired the Last Shot.

53 - Ruins at Grandpre.

54 - Tree Cut Down by Shell Fire. Grandpre.

55 - Ruined Church, Grandpre.

57 - Cemetery, American and French Graves, Chatel Chehery.

58 - Dugout, Camp Monhovan, Argonne Forest.

59 - Ruins, Sommeille.

60 - Sermaize-les-Bains.

61 - Ruins, Old Church, Sermaize-les-Bains.

62 - German Chateau, Regimental Headquarters, Villers-en-Lieu.

63 - Regimental Headquarters, Voliecomte.

64 - Square, Sommevoire.

65 - Ration Dump, Levigny.

66 - Street Scene, Nuisement.

67 - Thanksgiving Dinner on the Hike.

68 - Your Billet, Gye-sur-Seine.

69 - Last Day of Hike, near Aisy.

70 - "Cootie" Hunt, Aisy.

71 - Barracks, Aisy.

72 - Fulvy.

73 - Q. M. Dump, Cusy.

74 - Regimental Headquarters, Fulvy.

75 - Cemetery, Ancy.

76 - Down by the Canal, Reveier.

77 - German Field Kitchen.

78 - Railroad Cut, near Nuita.

79 - Stone Quarry, Lazinnes.

80 - Pershing Decorating Engineer Colors. br />

81 - Pershing Inspecting 80th Division.

82 - Pershing's Headquarters (Army HQ), Chaumont.

83 - Troop Train Leaving Nuits.

84 - Homeward Bound.

85 - LeMans - What We Saw on Every Corner.

86 - General Cronkrite Views Troops at LeMans.

87 - General Cronkrite Decorated by French at Brest.

88 - View of Brest Harbor.

89 - Jerry Prisoner Camp, Brest.

90 - Embarking at Brest.

91 - Ferry on Way to U.S.S. Troy.

92 - U.S.S. Troy-Transport.

94 - Sports on the Troy.

96 - Reception Committee, New York Harbor.

97 - Mayor's Boat Meets the Troy.

98 - Landing Pier No. 4 of New York.

99 - Discharged - Camp Dix.

100 - Fort at Brest.

137 - Engineer Band Regiment Headquarters, Fulvy.